•  07/14/2019 12:00 AM

Here's the #1 advice from people who have done it...

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  •  09/06/2018 12:00 AM

Welcome to the world of skydiving!!! If you're new to the DZ ( dropzone ), be prepared to learn an entirely new language! Fear not, we've got a comprehensive list to get you started!

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  •  08/18/2018 12:00 AM

Find out the answer to your pining question, can you skydive with glasses or contact lenses; as well as more questions answered for your first time skydiving!

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  •  03/29/2017 10:00 AM

While many people choose tandem skydiving for their first jump, here at Jumptown, first-timers can also make their very first skydive solo. Of course each method has its pros and cons. We explore the differences between tandem skydiving and AFF to help you determine which first jump experience is right for you!

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  •  02/21/2017 10:00 AM

Everyone knows that--like everything in this life that's worthwhile--there's risk involved. But what exactly are those risks in skydiving? Most folks who ask us this question are looking for a more technical, data based response than the standard "aw, no, bro; don't worry; you'll be fine.

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